AI-Powered Support Dispositions

⚡️ Supercharge with DrumCV AI in 60 seconds

Sick & Tired of Customer Support
Getting All the Blame?

Nobody Listens

Product and Engineering are ignoring the problems you tell them need to be fixed

Lack of Accountability

When dispositions are unreliable and not descriptive, product and engineering teams aren't held accountable

Blamed for Everything

Support teams are blamed for everything even though product and engineering teams are responsible for greater than 95%+ of tickets

Job At Risk

Despite sacrificing nights, weekends, and holidays while others can confidently clock out, support leaders jobs are always on the chopping block

Nobody Listens

Product and Engineering teams are ignoring the problems that you tell them need to be fixed.

Lack of Accountability

Because dispositions aren't detailed enough, Product and Engineering teams aren't held accountable.

Blamed for Everything

Product and Engineering teams are responsible for 95% of tickets, but Support is blamed for everything.

Job At Risk

Despite sacrificing nights, weekends, and holidays while others clock out, support leaders' jobs are on the chopping block.

Your Dispositions aren't working

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Supercharge Your dispositions in 60 sec

Let DrumCV’s AI do all of the heavy lifting for you, which automatically creates dispositions from ticket notes and stores them in newly created fields. DrumCV’s reporting shows top issues by product manager so you can hold everyone accountable and sleep better at night.

  • No more deaf ears.
  • No more blame game.
  • Be promoted, not fired.

Connect to HubSpot
or Zendesk

Twiddle Thumbs for
60 Seconds...

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Next Vacation!

Giving Back Vacations to Support Leaders

Learn about DrumCV from other users and clients.

DrumCV finally unlocked what we needed – better customer support data detail and quality to help product teams roadmap top product issues. Detailed reasons and resolutions have changed the way we make prioritization and solution decisions. We are more aligned with our customers than ever before.

Todd Abney, Support Director, JobNimbus

DrumCV’s approach to reducing tickets and customer churn really works, meaning hundreds of thousands of dollars saved, all-time low churn rate, and a 30% reduction in ticket volume in just a few months. If you are an executive that is concerned about customer churn or support costs, DrumCV is the solution.

Clint Berry, Former Co-Founder + CTO, NYSE:WEAV